Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Marriage on the Radio

This past Saturday, Zac and Amelia and Katie and I met and basically discussed our own impressions of marriage and our experiences of weddings. I was struck by a thing about marriage that seems to be a kind of truth behind a lot of things - that there are supposed ideals or rules that define a marriage or even a wedding, but those rules are flexible and change according to people's actual experience. That is, a lot of what marriage seems to entail is a negotiation between people's own personal habits and lifestyles and accommodations to each other, which are in truth quite complicated, and the standard operating procedure that seems to be the "myth" or idea of how things are supposed to be. So the actual experience never matches up to the idea of it; but the idea helps give the experience meaning. Does that make sense?

Also, Zac brought in a clip from an episode of This American Life about what happens in marriage called "The Sanctity of Marriage." You can listen to the whole thing here.

There's also a segment on marriage from the BBC show "In Our Time," which you can find here.

Finally, Amelia's previous video post reminded me of this Carter Family song, which I love. It's called "Single Girl, Married Girl." (There isn't any video, just the song):

1 comment:

  1. I wonder where the comment I made on this went.

    I have two shorter versions of that Carter Family song on my computer. I am sure that this song and the one I posted are cousins.
